Hip pain is not a condition by itself but the symptom of many medical conditions from trauma to overuse or even various illnesses. Injuries or illnesses will cause inflammation by filling the hip joint with fluid or blood that leads to the expanse of the hip capsule. Another form of injury is overuse, which means that the articular cartilage wears due to friction. Both of these can be sources of pain.
Other sources of hip pain can be linked to the muscles and tendons around the hip, the sciatic nerve compression at the Lumbar spine area but they can also be linked to pregnancy.
Muscles around the hip and tendons can also become inflamed and along with expansion of the hip capsule and overuse, they can be sources of pain. Usually the most common symptom in hernia is hip pain.
When it comes to traumas, fractures, and contortions are the main conditions for hip pain to occur. In elderly people, this can be combined easily with osteoporosis, which makes bones more prone to fractures. People who play sports often get sprains, strains or contusions due to ligament, muscles, and tendon injuries.
Hip pain that is not caused by trauma is often caused by various illnesses that lead to inflammation in the body. Arthritis, systemic diseases, viral infections, bacterial infections, fibromyalgia or sciatica are just a few of the conditions that can result in hip pain.
Diagnosis for the illnesses that cause this condition is related to the way pain is described by the patient and other symptoms that accompany it. Some patients might feel pain in their knees as it can easily radiate from the hip. In case of fractures or other trauma related hip pain, the diagnosis is easy with X-rays, a CT or an MRI.
The diagnosis can also be done with the help of blood tests when the doctor believes that there is a systemic illness that might be the cause of the pain to see if there is any infection in the body. Sciatica pain will usually feel like it radiates from the back to the lower back and the front of the hip and it will be described differently than other types of pain as it is a nerve pain.
Usually as soon as hip pain occurs without any underlying trauma, people avoid seeking medical help. However, it is extremely important to find the medical condition that lies behind the pain as it might develop serious impairments if it’s related to the spinal cord.
To get rid of aching hip pain on the Gold Coast, click and visit www.hippaingoldcoast.com.au and feel better already.